IT dzieli się dobrem: „Testing API with Python” |…
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Tym razem Dawid Pacia wprowadzi Was w tajniki testowania API przy użyciu Python’a. Jak zawsze Wspieramy szczytny cel – niepodległość Ukrainy.
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Testing API with python
What we will cover during our workshop:
1. A short introduction to writing tests (unittest) – 3
– Create your first test
– Parametrizing test functions
– Exceptions
– Specifying tests / selecting tests
2. Testing API
– Required tools installation
– Briefly about most popular „protocols”: REST, SOAP, GrapqhQL, WebSockets, gRPC
– REST reminder – methods, status codes, and few others
– Requests library
– Handling HTTP requests
– Response parsing
– Hamcrest assertions
– Refactor test script to API wrappers/objects (making tests easy to maintain)
Who I am?
Dawid Pacia: 1/3 QA, 1/3 Python, 1/3 Lead. Tech freak following all the newest technologies (and implementing them on his own). Fan of the Agile approach to project management and products.
What I do:
Leading and supporting the best and the happiest QA team! Actively speaking (and traveling) around the world (combining both passions). Organizer and originator of the first regular Ukrainian QA meetup – „UkrainQA.”
What I like:
#cofeeWithPeople, #goodFoodAndDrinks, #newTechnologies, #DiscworldWorld, #sharingKnowlege, #AgileApproach, #improvementsEverywhere
Wymagania dla Uczestników:
> własny komp
> zainstalowany python 3.10
> zainstalowany pycharm