Kwiecień z Juan Castillo

Pierwszy prelegent to Juan Castillo z kontynuacją grudniowej prezentacji: Performance testing: what? how? why?
AI will talk about what it is performance testing from a practical point of view based on experience, how it is normally done nowadays, why it is important to do it and what happens when projects either completely disregard performance testing or they do it just for compliance or audit purposes assigning it a very low priority. I will give examples of defects I’ve found and how we dealt with them. As a follow up to my presentation from December I will expand on the practical and technical part, I will show how to do the most typical performance test scripts in HP Vugen, how to set up a scenario in HP LoadRunner or performance center, and how to analyse and report using HP Analysis.
Bio: My name is Juan on paper, Iván for anybody who knows me in person (long story), I´m from Linares, a small city in Andalucía in the south of Spain, I studied Telecommunications Engineering in Universidad de Jaén and I did my Erasmus in ETI in Politechnika Gdanska. There I met my Polish wife, I’ve lived in Gdynia since 2011, I got married in 2017 and I’m expecting my first Polish baby boy. I’ve worked in performance testing in 2 projects, one for Thomson Reuters (now Refinitiv) KYC software, and currently I’m a part of the JIT Team consulting as a Performance Testing Specialist for CBP project in Nordea.
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